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God of War 2 highly compressed only 200 mb

God of war 2 highly compressed download from here
Note :
Links are modified

Complements are included with directx and something like that .

Instructions :

1) Download the .iso file from above link and extract it with winrar archiver . Don't have it ? get from here

2) Open the folder and click on "God_of_war_II" . You must have admin rights

3) It will open something like this ....

4) Click on " Instalar " . It will open  setup to install the game . Choose you language .It will capture the whole screen . Accept the terms and choose the installation directory. and install it . Wait you are not done yet .

5) Now click on "Complementos" . It will open a new folder of directx and something like that. Click on the directx web setup .It will exmine your system and if updates are available it will download for game . This is very IMPORTANT . Be sure you have removed the " install Bing Bar "

6) Now according to your system 32 or 64 bit choose a microsoft visual in respective folder . IMPORTANT. After this is done you can close the dialogue from the step 3 .(Click on "Saliar")

7) Now you are done with this . You can play this game ( with keyboard,mouse OR analog joystick ) . I'll show you how .


When you click on the icon on your desktop it will open two dialogue boxes One for the game and another for the pcx2 .Now play the game if you are satisfied with the configuration of the controls don't do anything . Otherwise click Esc on your keyboard and exit the game . You will see the second dialogue box which is small Now hover you mouse on the "Configuraciones" and select "Teclas-pad" Clicl on "editar configuration" .Now look at the top of the box and select pad 1 or pad 2 .
Now configure it. to configure for example the "X" button click on the "Cross" on the dialogue box and click the button that you want to be the  "Cross".

If you still have any problem just contact me .
If you are satisfied then share this with others 

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